First beach trip of 2016
I think we had been to the beach 3 times by May Day 2015. We will need to make up for lost time and squeeze in a few trips ASAP.
I think we had been to the beach 3 times by May Day 2015. We will need to make up for lost time and squeeze in a few trips ASAP.
iBooks now allows iCloud syncing that mostly works (more to come on this subject, I’m sure). Maybe. Or maybe I just haven’t used it enough to know how bad it is. Today I tried to download on of the iBooks synced via iCloud. It appeared to download but then when I clicked to open and read the book, I was shown this error message.
I clicked “Settings” because I know this is wrong. I know I have enough available space for this 40-page books.
Or maybe this book is 20GB? (It is not.) Or maybe iPad requires 20GB of available space at all times? (Then “available” doesn’t mean what I think it means.) Or maybe it is yet another bug in iOS, like the one that forced me to reboot twice just to get iMessage working after updating to iOS 9.3.1 yesterday.
iOS OS X nonsense OS X ibooks iOS tech icloudThere is oh so much wrong the the TV app in iOS 10. So much wrong with the way replaces an app it does not functionally replace. So many things wrong with the way it was rolled out. So many bugs. But let’s start at the beginning… like this onboarding screen.
iOS OS X nonsense iOS 10 iOS tech tv-app OS XPretty cool seeing this retro error message 10 minutes after starting the download.
iphone iOS OS X nonsense iOS OS XThe ability to search in the iOS Settings app was added in iOS 9 over a year ago. The percentage of searchable items is still so low that I don’t bother using it. Some items are searchable, most aren’t. Some categories are searchable, some aren’t. Not even all top level items are searchable. Apple has a tendency to release thjngs before they are finished. They appear to be okay with never finishing many of those features. Maybe it is because there aren’t enough people using them? Possibly. Maybe they would be used by more people if they worked.
iOS OS X nonsense iOS tech OS X Uncategorized