Tuesday night: Matilda: The Musical
Thursday night: SKULLPOOPLE!
arts deadpool movies musical Photos play Culture Vulture
Tuesday night: Matilda: The Musical
Thursday night: SKULLPOOPLE!
arts deadpool movies musical Photos play Culture VultureListening to music on my iPhone while hanging a poster. Music fades and ringtone starts. Incoming call. I answer and talk for a couple minutes. The music resumes playing… while I am in the middle of my phone call. I know that is never supposed to happen but I’m not sure that is supposed to be possible.
music-app iOS OS X nonsense iOS tech phone iphone Uncategorized
Some ad company has the wrong idea about me.
My phone is plugged into a dock so I can’t see what song is playing next? Oh yeah, that makes sense :/
iOS OS X nonsense iOS tech iphoneQ: What caused bluetooth to crash on my iPhone today? A: Recieving a text message.
iOS OS X nonsense Apple tech iOS Uncategorized“I don’t know what normal people eat.” - OH in the snack aisle of the grocery store. They were looking to buy chips for a friends.